Update: Huge thanks to those who attended! There's a clear interest to have more open discussions about PhD advising; we'll continue them. In the immediate future, we'll share the content of the panel discussion and Q&A via a piece of writing. Stay tuned!

In this CHI 2024 hybrid panel, we aim to start a much-needed conversation about PhD advising to raise awareness within SIGCHI about common advising problems; and to begin brainstorming solutions that faculty, administrators, and PhD students can implement.

Advisor-advisee relationships between PhD students and faculty are vital to research, but advising dynamics can be challenging for both student and advisor. Though advising can involve egregious problems such as sexual harassment, we focus on what might be less serious but more common issues such as exploitation, unprofessional behavior, mishandling of credit, and inadequate communication. While problems can be caused by advisor or advisee, the power imbalance exacerbates problems for PhD students. In any case, open discussion about PhD advising is rare. Our panel aims to address this gap. Read more here.

Panelists and Moderator

Jane Im
PhD Candidate
University of Michigan

Himanshu Zade
PhD Candidate
University of Washington

Steve Oney
Associate Professor
University of Michigan

Pamela Wisniewski
Associate Professor
Vanderbilt University

Kentaro Toyama
University of Michigan
Our panel aims to start conversations around the following questions:
This site is made by Jane Im. Last updated 5/21/2024